
Contact Address

General Acoustics e.K.
Am Kiel-Kanal 1
24106 Kiel

Contact Details

Tel.: 0431 5808180
Fax: 0431 5808189


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    How to find us
    From „Hamburg“:
    Leave autobahn A7 at junction A215 „Kiel“, then later at junction „B76/Eckernförde / Olympia-zentrum“. Follow the B76, leave Olof-Palme-Damm (B76) and head straight forward onto B503. Stay on for 2 Km.
    Leave B503 at exit Kiel-Wik/Kanal and head straight forward onto Prinz-Heinrich-Strasse (K15). Leave Prinz-Heinrich-Strasse (K15) and turn left into Schleusenstrasse (K32).
    Leave Schleusenstrasse (K32) and turn right into Schleiweg.
    Leave Schleiweg and turn left into „Am Kiel-Kanal“. Then you can already see the round building with three wings.